What is a sauna whisk? Vihta and vasta are the two words used to describe sauna whisks in the Finnish language. Depending on the region, you might hear vihta or vasta. Vasta is used in the eastern part and vihta in the western part of the country.
For many Finns, sauna whisks made of birch twigs are the only “real” sauna whisks. However, whisks can be made from so many other trees than just birch. In this article, I focus on the exciting world of sauna whisks.
Vihta or vasta is used in the hot sauna. You whip your body with the whisk to relax your muscles. Vihta is a big part of Finnish sauna culture, especially midsummer sauna traditions. Many midsummer traditions and “midsummer magic” include the sauna whisk in one way or another.
Vihta is often used in cottage saunas and other private saunas. In some public saunas, for example, housing association’s saunas, vihtas are prohibited. (Sometimes the sauna whisks shed leaves.)
Read more: Sauna words in Finnish
Health benefits
The sauna whisks have different health benefits depending on what tree/plant they are made of. Saponin from birch trees prevents inflammation and relieves muscle and joint pain. Saponin from birch leaves also acts as soap and has cleaning features.
Whipping with the whisk helps to remove dead skin cells, stimulates superficial blood circulation, and promotes metabolism.
Vihta and especially birch whisks help in the treatment of mosquito bites. There is no better cure for the bites than singing and whisking in the sauna.
You can make sauna whisks from many trees and plants. Every tree has its own unique health benefits.
Birch vihtas are said to be the king of sauna whisks. Birch whisks are also said to symbolize virginity.
Oak whisks are very durable. It is a great option for people with allergies because oak is odourless.
Juniper vihtas boost superficial blood circulation even better than birch whisks.
Aspen whisks are suitable for the treatment of rheumatism and joint pain.
Rowan whisks are used to treat oily skin.
The linden whisk treats sensitive skin and soothes the skin.
Eucalyptus is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic
Alder whisks have healing effects and can help heal wounds
Pine and Spruce
Pine and spruce whisks are well suited for the treatment of sore backs.
Nettle helps to get rid of toxins.
Blackcurrant leaves give the sauna a great aromatic scent. The leaves also have a cosmetic effect.
Rosebay willowherb
Rosebay willowherb heals wounds and shrinks mucous membranes.
Many different natural herbs can be added to the sauna whisk. The different herbs have different health benefits.
Making a birch whisk
The best time for making whisks is usually between midsummer to early July. According to tradition, vihtas for winter had to be ready before the haymaking. Before Midsummer, the birch leaves are too soft and in July they start to come off easily. A skilled sauna whisk maker knows when the time is right.
Please ask the landowner for permission if you do not own the trees.
Cut the branches with a knife, not by tearing or folding. You should choose a youngish iron birch.
You need 35-40 birch branches for one whisk. Silver birch is better than downy birch because it is stiffer. Tear off the leaves so the last 10 to 15 centimetres of the branch are without leaves. The branches should be bundled so that the lighter underside is on top.
The scent of silver birch is mild. You might want to put a few twigs of blackcurrant to give the whisk a stronger scent.
Traditionally, a flexible branch of birch is used to tie the whisk together. However, you can use a string or cable tie.
Fresh birch whisk is left in cold water before use.
What is a good sauna whisk like:
- Fresh and healthy branches
- Stacked together correctly
- Well and tightly tied
- Looks good
- Feels comfortable
- You feel excited to use it!
Drying the sauna whisk
- The whisks are dried upside down.
- Drying takes place in a dry, airy, and shady place. Vihta can be frozen fresh wrapped in plastic.
- The dried whisk is soaked in hot water for 10-20 minutes before use. If you want to enjoy the smell of birch even more, place the whisk on the hot sauna stones for a couple of seconds and repeat on all sides.
- It is advisable to let the sauna whisks defrost at room temperature before use.
- A third way to dry the whisks is to put them in a cardboard box and put coarse salt between the branches. This way the vihta stays fresh.
My own experiences
I remember using a sauna whisk already as a little girl. Especially my Kale-Pappa (my grandpa) loved vihtas and always used one in the sauna.
Often when I visited my Grandma’s cottage, we went to the forest to look for birch twigs to make our own sauna whisks. Kale-Pappa tried to teach us how to make vihtas and helped us with our attempts. Unfortunately, Kale-Pappa is no longer with us and his teachings are sadly forgotten.
My father and I have made a few whisks without Kale-Pappa’s help now and they have turned out ok. Maybe not perfect, but good enough for us.
Kale-Pappa sang often whilst he was whisking: “repu repu reisiäni, pieniä paljaita reisiäni…“
I think it’s wonderful to visit these childhood memories. Especially when the scent of birch takes over the sauna, I can recall all those precious moments. I am sure that I am not the only one who has a deep emotional connection to sauna and whisking.
My mother-in-law saw a sauna whisk for the first time when we built our own sauna. She looked at me in disbelief when I explained what it is and how it is used. However, she did give it a chance. I do not think it was a huge success because she never asked for a sauna whisk again.
My partner likes to use a sauna whisk when we are in Finland. Especially when we go to the summer cottage, we always make a whisk for the sauna.
- Vihta (used in western Finland) – 50-55 cm long and flat in shape.
- Vasta (used in eastern Finland) – 75 cm long and round.
- Vitsas – Birch branch
- Downy birch – is soft and resinous, the leaves come off more easily.
- Silver birch – is stiffer and therefore better suited for making whisks.
- Tie – usually made of flexible birch brach
- Birch whisks can be made throughout the summer. If you want to preserve them for winter, the best time to make them is mid-June to July.
It does not matter if you call it vihta or vasta, the main thing is that you use it!
Let’s get whisking!
I hope this What is a sauna whisk? -article was helpful to you.
Have you ever used a sauna whisk?
Source: Wikipedia and Saunan salaisuus-book