*** In collaboration with Sauna from Finland ***
I had the joy of reading the newly-published “Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook”. In this article, I’ll tell you a bit about the book and explain why you should own it too!

The Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook
The Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook was published in 2020 by Sauna from Finland. They describe it as “the no. 1 tool for creating the best Finnish sauna experiences in the world”. I just finished reading it and would like to share my thoughts in this article.
Read more: What is Sauna from Finland
The Finnish sauna is being exported to the world more than ever before. There is a worldwide demand for saunas and especially Finnish saunas. The Handbook is a good example of the valuable work Sauna from Finland does.
The book was a quick and easy read. Even though I have dealt with the topic of sauna for over two years now, I still found a lot of new information and perspectives. The book brought to light things that I hadn’t even come to think of.
Order the Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook now!

People all over the world are more interested in the sauna than ever before. Consumers are interested in wellness, and by extension, are also looking for more information about saunas and the Finnish sauna. The scientifically proven health benefits, high-quality elements, and versatility of the Finnish sauna make it an excellent business concept for public saunas, and a competitive advantage and extra service for hotels, spas, and health clubs.
The authors have compiled extensive research data and the expertise of their network. The result of this work is the Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook.
One of the key messages of the book is that the sauna experience should remain unchanged. Of course, there are differences in saunas and milieus. However, the sauna experience should always leave a mark on your memory and a feeling you want to come back to. You should remember your first Finnish sauna experience with fondness.
It is very important to make the criteria of the Finnish sauna experience known all around the world. This is what we are currently working on. At present, there are already two certified saunas outside Finland. The sauna experience is a sought-after service, but there still isn’t that much information available about the authentic Finnish sauna experience. It’s great that this book has also been translated to English.
I have myself come across the problems arising from the lack of “sauna criteria”. Here in Germany, many places are advertised as having an “Alte finnische sauna”, i.e. an old Finnish sauna. Unfortunately, they have nothing to do with a Finnish sauna. Some of these saunas do not even have a sauna stove!

The Authentic Finnish Sauna
The Handbook goes through what makes a sauna Finnish. What are the four main features that make a Finnish sauna? Is it the building material, or maybe the wood used for heating?
Lighting a fire in the sauna and the calming feeling that I experience at that moment is, in my opinion, one of the most important pillars. The fire has a calming effect on the mind and watching the flames is somehow really therapeutic.
Water is associated with sauna bathing in many different ways. You should drink water before the sauna. It is also wonderful to take a cool shower or a dip in the lake, sea or pool after or between your sauna visits. After the sauna, it is also important to drink water.
A Finnish sauna without steam is not an authentic Finnish sauna. That is why the Finnish sauna is so different from the sauna cultures of other countries. We get to throw water on the hot stones ourselves and as often as we want. There are no rules, you do what feels right. You let your body and the steam guide you.
Hot stones have been the cornerstones of a Finnish sauna from the very beginning. Even during the times when the sauna was only a pit on the ground, there were already hot stones. The purpose of the stove is to heat the stones as hot as possible.
According to Sauna from Finland, the Finnish sauna experience is divided into eight parts:
- Authenticity
- Multisensoriality
- Presence and relaxation
- Wellness and health
- Contrast
- Cleanliness
- Safety
- Responsibility

The quality Handbook also tells you what to do:
- Before the sauna,
- in the sauna,
- after sauna.
These three main things are an important part of the Finnish sauna experience. What happens before the sauna? The preparation; lighting a fire in the sauna, drinking water, showering and removing makeup.
What to consider when you are in the sauna? The presence in comfort; which textiles and sauna products have you chosen for today? What drinks do you want to enjoy and how do you cool down?
After the sauna, you should prolong the pleasure. You wash and do your skincare. Use your favorite towel or bathrobe and slippers. Calming down after a sauna is one of the important things to keep in mind. After the sauna, there is no need to do anything strenuous.
It is possible to order the book from the website of Sauna from Finland’s partner Veico.
I think every friend of a Finnish sauna should read this book. Although we Finns think that we know everything about sauna is not the case. Unfortunately.
Order the book: Veico
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Website: Sauna from Finland
The article on The Authentic Finnish Sauna Experience Quality Handbook has been written in collaboration with Sauna from Finland.