Should I take a sauna in the morning?
Does taking a sauna in the morning have health benefits?
What should you consider when taking a sauna in the morning?
Can you take a sauna in the morning when you have a hangover?
You will find the answers to these questions in this article!

Morning sauna
Who loves a morning sauna? I know I do!
I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t like a morning sauna. Many people (myself included) think that a wonderful, peaceful moment in the sauna before the day’s activities is the best. I know a few people who even take a sauna before work although I’m not that excited about this idea myself.
Of course, this could be because my work has always started before “the rooster crows”, as the Finnish proverb says. I don’t really feel like waking up for a morning sauna around 04-05. Even if it could be good for my health.
In Finland, a morning sauna is a big part of Christmas, but also of mornings spent at the cottage. Wonderful peace and quiet and the feeling after the sauna are something absolutely wonderful. You feel clean, both mentally and physically.
What is the secret of the morning sauna?
I personally like taking a sauna as a little reward after a hard day’s work or sports performance. But what makes a morning sauna so good?
Maybe it is because when the morning starts calmly and stress-free, the day can only be wonderful!
Sauna with a hangover
When my friends and I have woken up hungover and tired in the morning after a night of partying, we have taken a sauna and swam in the cold water. The hangover stays in the sauna or swimming pool, and the breakfast tastes good again.
I wonder if there is a reasonable explanation for this.
I feel that when you start doing something nice when you’re hungover, the hungover gets pushed into the back of your mind.
However, I believe that a sauna, swimming or taking a dip in cold water has its own healing powers too.

Have there been any studies on sauna use with a hangover?
This is a good question. I read articles that say that taking a sauna while hangover is a health risk, and the heart is put to the test. So please, remember to listen to your body.
However, I would think that taking a sauna at a low temperature is fine if the hangover is not too bad. I don’t recommend going to a hundred-degree sauna.
A study about the morning sauna
A Japanese study from 2014 shows that a morning sauna does have health benefits. Actually, you should take a sauna just before the work day. There were three test groups in the study, those who took saunas in the evening, those who took saunas in the morning and those who did none of these.
In the study, body temperature, heartbeat, brain activity and cognitive abilities were measured.
The morning sauna test group had a lower resting heart rate, solved problems faster and was able to concentrate better.
The study showed that taking a sauna or shower in the morning promotes concetration and well-being throughout the day.
Is it worth taking a sauna in the morning?
So, if you feel like the day isn’t really getting started and you can’t get anything done, you should try taking a sauna. I promise you I will test this one morning and report back.
I personally hate taking a shower in the morning because I always feel so cold. However, considering this research, it would be beneficial. Personally, I would prefer a sauna because it would at least raise my body temperature and I would not feel as cold.
I am used to taking a sauna in the morning on Christmas Eve, when I have been staying at the cottage or when I am hangover. But after writing this article, I think I should start doing this more often and not just on special days.
Many people mention that they can stay longer in the morning sauna than in the evening sauna. Maybe the stress of the day isn’t there yet, so here’s why?
Do you take a morning sauna? Have you noticed any effects on you/your body? It would be nice to hear your pro and contra arguments in the comments below!