My year 2021 as an entrepreneur
At this time of year, I like to look back and see how the previous year has gone. I want to start by looking at how my third year as an entrepreneur went. What have I achieved in 2021?
I have to say that this third year as a business owner has been really challenging and mentally difficult. There have been some really tough moments. However, when I look back this year, I see how much I have accomplished.
So, let’s see what I’ve done last year!
Welt der Sauna
The year 2021 began with the launch of my German blog. I think it went really well and my blog was well received. A year later, about 12% of my readers are German-speaking. The German blog is called Welt der Sauna and I post twice a month.
If you have German friends who want to know more about the Finnish sauna, please tell them about my blog!
In April, I published my own World of Sauna blog’s Sauna-Shop. Work on the online store started as early as November 2020. The project was quite laborious; setting up an online store here in Germany requires more than just a few clicks!
I decided to set up the Sauna-Shop because I had ordered products for future Finnish sauna events. However, due to the coronavirus, all my sauna events had to be cancelled. I panicked. I had a big pile of sauna products lying around, but I couldn’t use them. So, I decided to start my own shop!
There is a lot to learn and remember when setting up an online store. The fact that I decided to set up an online store in Finnish, German and English further complicated the matter.
I had to add all the products with product descriptions to the online store in three different languages. Luckily, I decided to start with a moderate amount of products and I have had help from my two translators.
My big brother has been a big help and technical support. Thank you again.
Visit: Sauna-Shop
In the spring of 2021, I also organized a few digital workshops. In these workshops, we made various foot bath bombs and bath salts together.
The idea in these workshops is that I provide digital guidance on how to make sauna products. I am there with you (by video) and, if necessary, I will also send the materials to you in advance. I have a few Workshops coming up in the spring of 2022, so watch this place if you’re interested.
Sauna guest book
The sauna guest book was the first product idea I had for my own online store. Work on the sauna guestbook began in September 2020 and I had the finished product in my hands in June 2021.
It took a surprising amount of time to design and manufacture the right kind of product. Sure, this was an extra project for everyone involved, and we’re all busy. Still, I’m really happy and proud of the end result.
The sauna guest book is also available in three languages. The front cover is available in Finnish, English and German. The inside has sauna-themed aphorisms in English.
The pages of the book also contain landscape pictures of Finland and saunas. The covers are made of birch and the book is bound with linen cords.
Read more: What is a Sauna Guestbook
In August we were able to hold our first Sauna Event. We spent two wonderful afternoons with my amazing clients.
The clients had all missed sauna so much. My sauna treatments received an enthusiastic response and were well-liked. For some, sauna treatment was their first, which is wonderful!
These sauna events are a great way to relax. They include shampoos, conditioners, soaps, exfoliating salt, a birch sauna whisk, a foot bath, 30 min massage, drinks, and snacks. The duration of the sauna event is about four hours.
Finnish sauna night
In the autumn I also had my first Finnish sauna night!
You can get to know the real Finnish sauna on my Finnish sauna nights. First, I tell you about the Finnish sauna culture and tradition and then you get to experience the real Finnish sauna. The price includes shampoos, conditioners, soaps, exfoliating salt, a sauna whisk, and a foot bath. And drinks and snacks of course. The duration of a Finnish sauna evening is about two hours.
You can choose a birch sauna, a honey sauna, or a rose sauna. Special wedding treatments for brides and grooms are also possible. Next spring and summer I plan on trying a peat sauna and a cleansing sauna.
Unfortunately, the Christmas saunas I planned for this Christmas had to be cancelled. Hopefully, I get to do them next year.
It is possible to book Finnish sauna nights for two people or for a group. Gather your friends or family and come enjoy the Finnish sauna! Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Make Your Own Sauna Products, Easily and Cheaply! -Online course
At the end of November, I finally launched the Make Your Own Sauna Products online course in Finnish.
The online course tells you about the best plants for sauna treatments. In the beginning, there is a theory section where I talk about the plants and products we use. What the active ingredients are and how to use them.
In the second week, we start making sauna products. In the videos, I show you step by step how to make the products and also share my best tips and tricks.
Hopefully, this course will be available in English someday!
How did I get it all done
Do you sometimes feel like you haven’t done anything in the last year? That’s how I felt until I looked at this list. Now I ask myself, how have I accomplished all this?
In 2020, I spent a total of six months and in the winter of 2021 two months at home because I was laid off from work due to the pandemic. Sure, I had a son at home with me, so I was not been able to work on my blog full time.
Blogging, setting up an online store, designing sauna products, and preparing for an online course have meant that I have sat at my computer a lot in 2021.
In the midst of this all, I decided also to change jobs. Thanks to my new job I have more flexibility and can spend more time on my own business.
Personally, I hope that my butt muscles get some rest next year. Unless I come up with something new again, you never know!
I hope you have been inspired by my blog and blog articles this past year. Thanks for being here. Thank you for reading and encouraging me.
I appreciate you and I’m here for you.
With love, Sauna-Kati
Katja says
Helou ihana Kati! Congratulations! Wow – what achievements in just one year! With all my respect and appreciation…Kiitos paljon! Hyvää joulua ja Hyvää onnelista uutta vuotta! Hyvät löylyt, Katja (from Saunaglueck)
Kati says
Kiitos Katja!! 🙂