In today’s Bridal Sauna article, we get to know the pearl of Finnish folklore, the Bridal Sauna.
How was a Bridal Sauna taken in the old days?
What is a Bridal Sauna?
How has it evolved to the present day?
You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

Bridal Sauna
The old Finnish Bridal Sauna included various magics, spells and beliefs. It was traditionally organized on the eve of the wedding.
The new phase of life was a big change for both spouses, but the change was bigger for the bride because she traditionally moved from her childhood home to her husband’s home.
The sauna is a big part of Finnish wedding folklore and rituals. For example, it was common for the bride to heat the sauna for her spouse’s family and mother-in-law.
Generally speaking, dirt and old sins were washed away from the bride in the Bridal Sauna.
In Karelia (Eastern Finland), the bride took her Bridal Sauna with her girlfriends. The friends were dressed as if they were in a masquerade, and it was customary to make a lot of noise. Memories of the bride’s former admirers and friends were hidden in the masquerade costumes.
This is probably the origin of how, nowadays, Finnish stag parties go around the city, making a lot of noise. However, usually, only the bride is dressed according to the theme. Of course, there are exceptions.
Nowadays, a Bridal Sauna is part of a bachelor party, whereas, in the old days, you could spend the whole day in a Bridal Sauna.
In Finland, Bridal Saunas are organized in private homes, cabins or rented sauna facilities.
The bridal sauna includes many folk traditions; I have listed the ones I know below. Of course, the Bridal Sauna can be designed according to the bride’s wishes.

Sauna decoration
The sauna is decorated with flowers, herbs, birch branches, candles and/or lanterns. The sauna benches are covered with white sheets.
The bride’s seat
A decorated place is made for the bride on the upper benches. There are white sheets on top of the bench, and on top of them, there is a seat with birch branches and/or branches of other trees, herbs, and a spruce branch or nettle is also put in the mix. The latter reminds us that life is not a bed of roses.
If you want, the bride’s seat can be made of rose petals, which means a rosy life for the bride.
When the bride leaves her seat, the single ladies must be quick. Whoever is the first to sit on the bride’s seat gets married next.
Scaring away evil spirits
When entering the sauna, the bachelor party rattles dishes, stomps on the floor/ground, and knocks on doors and walls. At the same time, they shout evil away. The commotion was believed to drive away evil spirits from the marriage and the bridal sauna.

Due to its cleansing properties, the sauna drives away all evil and makes the bride resistant to future misfortunes.
The bride’s dirt and sins are washed away in the Bridal Sauna. This is possibly done by friends and made of honour or matron of honour. Symbolically, the bride’s past is washed away, and she can start from a clean slate.
The bridal sauna can also include spells and songs to ensure marital happiness.
Groom’s shirt
The bride can take a sauna wearing the groom’s unwashed shirt. When her sweat mixes with the sweat on her future husband’s shirt, this guarantees that the marriage will be strong and the love will continue.
The bride’s back is washed with salt, ensuring that old crushes will not return to haunt her.
Flour is spread on the back, ensuring marital happiness and enough bread in the future.
Then the honey is applied to the bride’s skin, which guarantees a sweet life for the married couple.
Finally, the bride’s hair or whole body is washed with an egg, increasing fertility and ensuring children.
Throwing water on the sauna stove
The bride throws water over her shoulder, thus ensuring that the bride does not miss her previous life.
In the sauna
Married friends give the bride advice on how to make the marriage successful. Unmarried friends talk about their wishes for their future spouses.

Sauna whisk
The friends gently hit the bride with a sauna whisk, ensuring the bride is cleansed of all old sins.
The unmarried person who is the first to grab a sauna whisk from the bride will be the first to get married.
Using the bride’s sauna whisk can also give good luck to unmarried women.
Old sweethearts
You can say goodbye to old sweethearts in many different ways. One of the traditions is that the bride runs around the sauna naked (or in scanty clothes) and shouts the name of her old girlfriends or boyfriends in each lap.
Another way is to write the names of ex-partners on a piece of paper and burn them in the sauna.
The third way to say goodbye to old sweethearts is to throw water on the stove and say their names each time you throw water.
A bucket of water
When the bride returns to the sauna, she might get surprised with a bucket of cold water. In this way, the bride was prepared for unexpected moments.
Clothes inside out
While the bride is taking a sauna, someone from the party can turn the bride’s dress inside out. The bride’s reaction can tell what kind of wife the groom will get. Is the bride relaxed or fussy about it?
After the sauna
After the Bridal Sauna, the sauna whisk is thrown over the shoulder onto the roof of the sauna. This secures the happiness and prosperity of the marriage.
The gender of the couple’s first child can also be deduced from the position of the sauna whisk. If the stem is up, it’s a boy. If the stem is down, it’s a girl.

Hair braiding
At the end of the sauna, the bride’s hair is plaited because only girls/unmarried women used to wear their hair down. The wives had their hair tied in a bun.
You can also put a lovely wreath or flowers in your bride’s hair.
A Bridal Sauna is where the bride is pampered and cared for. Ensure you have exfoliating salt, foot baths and face masks for the bridal sauna.
The bride can be the only one who gets pampered in the Bridal Sauna, or the whole bachelor party can participate in the sauna treatments; it’s up to you.
You can perform many different sauna treatments in the Bridal Sauna, such as a peat sauna or a rose sauna for the whole group.
And why not also have a bridal sauna for the groom?
I organize bridal sauna evenings in the German Alps. Contact us, and we will customize an unforgettable evening for you and your friends.
Bridal sauna 1
Bridal Sauna 1 is mainly for the bride, who can enjoy parts of the pampering alone and some with friends.
The bride will have her Bridal Sauna customized from the list above; in addition to that, she will receive some extra care: Exfoliation for the whole body, a foot bath and a face mask.
Shampoos, soaps and sauna whisks are to be enjoyed by the bride and her friends. In addition, water and herbal tea are available throughout the event.
The bachelor party can use the sauna and whirlpool for the agreed time.
Bridal sauna 2
The bride and the bachelorette party can be pampered in the bridal sauna 2. Our Bridal Sauna is customized for the bride from the list above.
In addition to free use of the sauna and hot tub, exfoliating salt, foot baths, detergents, birch bark, water, herbal tea, and snacks are at the use of the bachelor party.
Both bridal sauna packages include decorating the sauna as desired.
Ask for an offer at: saunamaailmalla(at)
I hope this Bridal Sauna article answers how you can plan your dream Bridal Sauna for yourself or your friends!
Love, Sauna-Kati